When operating your bulk ships internationally or intercontinentally, it is important that you have a care free solution for moving spare shipping parts quickly and efficiently to your vessels whenever you want to stock up for the next haul at the ports. During breakdowns at sea it is even more critical to get the crucial parts to your vessels to get them moving again to port of destination as quickly as possible.
Smooth airfreight & customs solutions
Due to the time-critical reliance of these sort of parts cargo, it most of the times comes down to efficient direct airfreight schedules, smooth customs brokerage and quick local delivery. At HJM we have setup secure lanes and have extensive experience handling the door to vessel delivery of a wide arrange of spare parts and even larger engine and machinery equipment.
Terminal side storage
At bulk ports where your vessels frequently berth, we can offer you port, and even in some cases, terminal side storage within specialized warehouses catering to bulk shipping. With this you can comfortably arrange restocking and supply of spare parts of your vessels while it is still loading or unloading its load.
Bonded transshipping
One of our strengths in handling your spare parts is that we specialize in arranging bonded transshipments for your spare parts to your vessels when they are still out at sea or at anchorage outside the port ready for a new international haul. We have partners at the harbors that can deliver your bonded shipping parts by a supply vessel to give you the option to be flexible in your customs brokerage and minimize duty costs by avoiding clearing the parts in countries where they have high tariffs.